Pickled Crunchy Papaya

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My Pickled Crunchy Papaya which I made yesterday is now ready to serve. After cutting half of the Orange colour Hong Kong Papaya which I bought from Redmart Online over a week ago to cook a savoury soup (Savoury Papaya White Fungus Mushroom Dried Prawns Soup) for lunch yesterday, I use the remaining half firm papaya to make a bottle of Pickled Papaya.

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Meatless Stir Fry Yellow & White Rice Noodle

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Craving for Fried Noodle on Singapore’s Day 11 Circuit Breaker Mode, 17 April 2020. Cooking a Meatless Stir Fry Yellow & White Rice Noodle for all readers here from my kitchen in Singapore.

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Sweet Fruitty Macaroni

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Blessed Saturday to all readers from my kitchen in Singapore. Today is Day 5 of Singapore’s Circuit Breaker Mode. Supposed many of us are living in Stress & Fear. Researchers may have discovered that eating & drinking Sweets may decrease the production of the Stress related Hormone Glucocorticoid, which shows increase activity in the brain controlling Fear & Stress. With this in mind, I share with you my Sweet Fruitty Macaroni which I just created.

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Another Meatless dish using Tau Kwa

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STAY AT HOME for your own good. Get the dried stuffs (3 TBS Dried Lily Buds, 3 TBS Dried small Black Fungus, 8 Dried Red Dates) from my pantry, 8 Sweet beans and 1 piece of Tau kwa 豆干 (firm Soya Bean Cake, pronounced as Dou Gan in Mandarin) which is the remainder from the packet I cooked few days ago. (A meatless dish using Tau Kwa) I kept it in a tupperware soaked with Water and 1 tsp Salt in the chiller to prolong its shelf life. Using these ingredients to cook another Meatless dish using Tau Kwa to serve with White Rice.

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A meatless dish using Tau Kwa

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Blessed Wednesday from my kitchen in Singapore. Today I created a Meatless Dish using Tau Kwa (Cotton Tofu with a harder texture, 豆干, pronounced as Dou Gan in Mandarin), Chinese Leek, Small Dried Black Fungus, (云耳,Yun Er in Mandarin) & Red Dates.

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