Summary page (Radio recordings)

Explore this page for past radio recordings and recipes by the late CATherina Hosoi over the past 30 years.

Baking Recipes Recordings

杏仁牛油曲奇饼 Almond Butter Cookies
杏桃乳酪玛纷糕 Apricot Yoghurt Muffin
兰莓小杯蛋糕 Blueberry cupcakes
面包布丁 Bread Pudding
香炸榴莲面包卷 Durian Bread Roll Goreng
榴莲‘玛芬’小松糕 Durian Muffin
檸檬葡萄干小蛋糕 Lemon Sultana Muffins
培根法式蛋塔 Quiche
燕麦芝士饼干 Quaker Oats Cheese Cookies
贝壳曲奇 Shell Cookies

Beef Recipes Recordings

牛肉炒芦笋 Beef Fried Asparagus
牛肉白萝卜焖锅 Beef and Radish Stew
啤酒牛肉饭 Beer Beef Stew Rice
青红椒菠萝牛肉 Capsicum Pineapple Beef
砂锅姜葱羊肉 Claypot Ginger Spring Onion Mutton
印尼式红烧牛肉 Daging Rendam Kecap
鲜竹牛肉丸 Dim Sum Beef Balls
简单羊肉咖喱 Simple Mutton Curry
南非羊肉焖南瓜 South African Pumpkin Bredie

Cake Recipes Recordings

三色花生蛋糕 3 Colour Peanut Crumble Cake
香蕉核桃蛋糕 All time Favourite Banana Walnut Cake
杏仁蛋糕 Almond Butter Cake
果仁红萝卜姜味蛋糕 Carrot Ginger Nutty Cake
巧克力樱桃小切蛋糕 Chocolate Cherry Cut Cake
椰糖花生蛋糕 Gula Melaka Peanut Butter Cake
龙眼干红糖蛋糕Longan Brown Sugar Cake
彩虹瑞士卷 Mambo roll cake
南瓜脆皮蛋糕 Pumpkin Streusel Topping Cake
麥片蛋糕 Taiwan Oatmeal Cake

Chicken & Duck Recipes Recordings

印尼咖哩鸡 Ayam Kare
燒春雞 Baked Spring Chicken
香焖鸡,香菇,马铃薯 Braised Chicken, Black Mushroom & Potato
窩塔豆腐煲 Braised Tofu and Duck
青菜包鸡 Cai Sim Wrapped Chicken
白汁鸡肉蘑菇配法国蛋皮卷 Chicken Mushroom Crepe Roll in White Sauce
棒棒雞 Chinese Ban Ban Chicken
好味鸡翅膀 Delicious Chicken Wings
四川宫保鸡丁 Sichuan Kung Bao Ji Ding
香炸雞肉和蝦肉餡填蛋 Telur Sumbat

Dessert Recipes Recordings

南北杏雪梨雪耳甜品 Almond Pear Snow Fungus Dessert
黑芝麻糊 Black Sesame Gruel
可乐遮里 Cola Jelly
鲜百合雪耳甜品 Fresh Lily Bulbs & Snow Fungus Dessert
雪蛤红枣汤 Hasma Red Dates Dessert
鲜橙果冻 Orange Jelly
木瓜布丁Papaya Pudding
宴客黄梨布丁甜品 Party Pineapple Upside-down Pudding
红豆糕 Red Bean Pudding
粟米燕菜甜品 Sweetcorn Agar Agar

Festive Recipes Recordings

鮑魚魚鰾燙 Abalone Fish Maw Soup
海參燜豬手 Braised Sea Cucumber with Trotter
贺年椰香饼 CNY Coconut Cookies
贺年花生饼 CNY Peanut Cookies
新年花生煎堆 CNY Peanut Golden Balls
贺年合桃饼 CNY Walnut Cookies
横财就手 Cola Pork Leg
金條滿屋 Gold Strips at Home
鴻福慶新年 Good Fortune Whole Year Round
娘惹旺来虾 Nonya Pineapple Prawns

Indian Recipes Recordings

印度式小贩炒面  Indian Mamak Mee Goreng
印度玛纱拉鸡 Indian Masala Chicken
印度式羊排骨咖哩 Indian Mutton Chop Curry
印度式咖哩雞 Indian style Chicken Curry

Japanese & Korean Recipes Recordings

绿茶冷面 Cha Soba
芝士炸肉丸 Cheese Menchi Katsu
日式牛肉煲 Classic Nikujaga
鯊魚餅四季豆日式清湯 Hanpen & Snow Peas Osuimono
北海道豚井 Hokkaido Buta-Don
日式小茄子淋麻味酱 Japanese Brinjal with Sesame sauce topping
日式淮山豬肉方 Japanese Nagaimo Pork Squares
日式酸梅雞肉卷 Japanese Sour Plum Chicken roll
猪扒盅饭 Katsu Don
照烧三文鱼盖饭 Teriyaki Salmon Don

Nonya Recipes Recordings

娘惹豆酱鸡 Nonya Ayam Pongteh
娘惹鱼头咖哩 Nonya Fish Head Curry
娘惹家常豆腐咸鱼汤 Nonya Homestyle Tofu Salted Fish Soup
娘惹姻脂炸鸡 Nonya Inchi Kabin Chicken
娘惹式炒香味猪肉 Nonya Style Stir Fry Pork

Pork Recipes Recordings

七味焖猪肉 7 Flavour Simmered Pork
芦笋猪肉卷 Asparagus Pork Roll
南乳炸排骨 Deep fried Ribs with Red Bean curd Cheese
芋香肉醬 Fragrant Yam Meat Sauce
家常式镬烧叉烧 Home style Wok Cha Siew
莎爹肉丸沾黄梨酱 Meatball satay with Pineapple Sauce
猪脚花生面线 Pig Trotter Peanut Mee Suah
豬蹄筋悶香菇 Pork Leg Mushroom Stew
家常肉碎蒸蛋 Steamed Minced Meat Custard
糖醋酱滚炸肉 Sweet Sour sauce on Pork Fritters

Rice & Noodles Recipes Recordings

什锦炒肥面 Braised Fat noodle
鲜菇意大利面条 Fresh mushrooms cream spaghetti
广州式炒米粉 Guangzhou Style Fried Beehoon
保健肉丸粥 Healthy Meat Ball Rice Porridge
鲍鱼菇鸡肉炒果条 Oyster Mushroom Chicken Fried Kway Teow
南瓜米粉 Pumpkin Beehoon
街边砂锅饭 Roadside Claypot Rice
海鮮飯 Seafood Rice
夏日咖哩炒饭 Summer Curry Fried Rice
芋頭飯 Yam Rice

Seafood Recipes Recordings

阿参鱼咖哩 Assam Fish Curry
啤酒面糊香炸苏冬圈 Beer Batter Deep Fried Calamari
壕油西兰花带子 Broccoli scallop in Oyster Sauce
螃蟹米粉 Crab Beehoon
东海岸辣椒螃蟹 Famous East Coast Chilli Crab
人参酒蒸金目鲈 Ginseng wine Steamed Fish
黄梨咕噜虾 Pineapple Sweet Sour Prawns
西式烤三文鱼 Salmon with Hollandaise sauce
香味老虎蝦 Spicy Tiger Prawns
南洋香料煮苏冬 Tropical Spices Sotong

Snacks & Kuehs Recipes Recordings

杏仁球甜点 Almond Balls Snack
苹果馅班戈煎饼 Apple Filling Pancake
碧绿韭菜饺 Emerald Chives Dumpling
香煎韭菜饼 Fragrant Fried Chives Pancake
金黄奶皇包 Golden Custard Pau
椰餡甜卷糕 Kueh Dadar
迷你芝麻球 Mini Sesame Balls
南瓜发糕 Pumpkin Huat Kueh
香薯椰汁糕 Sweet Potato Coconut Kueh
马蹄咖椰糕 Water Chestnut Kaya Kueh

Soup Recipes Recordings

苹果熬鸡汤 Apple Chicken Soup 
包菜卷汤 Cabbage Parcel Soup
排骨红豆香味汤 Fragrant Red Bean Ribs Soup
金粟米湯 Golden Corn Soup
夏日清热汤 Hot Summer Cooling Nutritious Soup
翠玉白雲羹 Jade Fish Tofu Potage
龙眼干乌鸡汤 Longan Black Chicken Soup
角瓜鱼丸冬粉汤 Loofah Gourd Fishball Tunghoon Soup
南瓜魔芋汤 Pumpkin Konnyaku Soup
芡实合桃淮山瘦肉汤 Qian Shi Walnut Huai Shan Lean Meat soup

Thai Recipes Recordings

辣味东炎饭 Fried Tom Yum Rice
奇异果泰式红咖哩猪肉 Kiwi Thai Red Curry Pork
泰式BBQ烤鸡 Thai BBQ Chicken
泰式烤鱼 Thai Grilled Fish Pla Pao
泰式彩虹沙谷蒸糕 Thai Pastel Coloured Sago Dessert
泰國芭堤亚鱼头咖哩 Thai Pattaya Fish Head Curry
泰式青芒虾片沙拉 Thai style Green Mango Prawn Salad
泰式黄梨饭 Thai style Pineapple Fried Rice
泰式冬粉沙拉 Thai Tunghoon Salad
素食泰式炒长豆 Vegetarian Thai Style Fried Long Beans

Tofu & Vegetables Recipes Recordings

佛手瓜香辣蔬菜咖哩 Chayote Lodeh Merah
宽菜小银鱼 Chinese Spinach with Silver Baits
炸腐皮卷 Crispy Bean Curd Skin Rolls
红烧豆腐 Deep Fried Tofu with Mushrooms
香味九层塔茄子 Fragrant Basil Leaves with Brinjal
自制苹果凤梨果酱 Homemade Apple Pineapple Jam
蔬菜蛋饼 Mixed Vegetables Omelette
四川干煸四季豆 Sichuan French Beans with Minced Pork
豆腐存宝 Tauhu Sumbat
萍果沙拉 Waldorf Salad with Homemade Mayo

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