Collection of Savoury Oatmeal Recipes 3

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In this post, I am sharing with everyone four ideas for Yummy Savoury Oatmeal Recipes.

1. Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 8 -with International Flavour

2. Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 9 -with Shiitaki and Spring Onion

3. Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 10 -with Abalone and Shiitaki

4. Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 11– with Broccoli and Egg

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Healthy Barley Baby Abalone Chicken Treasure Potage

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Turning canned Premium Baby Abalone Chicken Treasure Pot (盆菜Pen Cai) into our luxury lunch today. Making Healthy Barley Baby Abalone Chicken Treasure Potage.

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Onion & Tomato infused Curry Flavour Chicken

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Created a new dish for our dinner tonight. Using Meat Curry Powder, Chicken, Onion. Tomatoes and Coconut Cream to make a rich in Onion & Tomato infused Curry flavour Chicken which I serve with Creamy Potato Balls.

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