In this post, I will share on how I grow my own Beansprouts in two different method.
Method 1
Today on Day 9 of Singapore’s Circuit Breaker Mode. Sharing my joy in succeeding growing Beansprouts Step by Step from my kitchen in Singapore.

To get ready, I have a plastic bottle of 1.5 litres sized which I saved from drinking my favourite Oolong Tea, 1 1/2 TBS of Mung Beans, 1 Tea Strainer. I also have 1 piece of Cloth (large enough to cover the bottle) and a few pegs to secure the cloth covering the bottle.

Day 1.
First fill bottle with Mung Beans. Then soak with Cold Tap Water for 6 hours. After that drain away water completely using the Tea Strainer. Without having the cap on, cover the bottle with cloth and peg it up. Leave it overnight from 10pm till the next morning. Important thing is to make sure you cover up the bottle completely to prevent light.
Day 2
Next day, i.e. Day 2, at 10am, fill up bottle with Cold Tap Water, rinse it and drain away water with Tea Strainer. You are to do it 3 times a day.
At 4pm, repeat the same procedure, at 10pm before you go to bed repeat the same procedure again.
Day 3 & 4
For Day 3, you follow the procedure by rinsing and draining 3 times per day. Repeat for Day 4.
Day 5
On Day 5 in the morning 10am you can harvest the grown Beansprout by cutting open the plastic bottle. Then patiently while counting your blessings pluck away the ends and the beans but leaving the little green leaves on.

Look at my beautiful Beansprouts from just 1 1/2 TBS of Mung Beans. I can now cook the beansprouts without having to go out to purchase. STAY AT HOME for our own good. Try growing your Beansprouts at home yourself.
Method 2
These are my FAT Beansprouts I harvested from sprouting Dried Mung Beans after completing a full 3 days cycle.

Day 0
First I soak One cup of Mung Beans of 180ml capacity, (equivalent to 160g) for 6 hours in tap water. Before I went to bed, I drain the soaking water and transferred beans to a kettle of 3 litre capacity and covered with black plastic bag to prevent light.
Day 1
At 10am, I filled tap water through the kettle sprouts and drained off. Repeat 1 more time, drained off water completely and covered with black plastic again.
Then at 4pm I repeated the process again.
I repeat this filling up with water and draining off process 2 times at 10pm before I went to bed.
Day 2 & Day 3
At day 2 & 3, repeated all the same process as Day 1, filling the kettle with water, draining off (x2 times), covering with black plastic, for 3 times a day.

Day 4 (Harvest Day)
When I woke up next morning I harvested these. I weighed and it is 1,160g! My mission accomplished with great success.

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