Was at the supermarket today and I saw some fresh Peanuts. Decided to cook Pressure Cook Peanuts with them.

So, I bought 1 bundle of Fresh Peanuts home and soak them in a big basin of water for 4 hours.

From top: 1/4 cup thickened Black Soya Sauce, 1 TBS Salt, 5 Dried Chillies, 3 Star Anise, 4 inches long Cinnamon Stick, 2 TBS Sugar
Will be using my Pressure Cooker to cook Pressure Cook Peanuts with one 4 inches long Cinnamon Stick (break to pieces), 3 Star Anise, 5 Dried Chillies, 1 TBS Salt, 2 TBS Sugar, 1/4 cup thickened Black Soya Sauce and 2.5 Litres water.

First, put all peanuts, spices and seasoning into a pressure cooker. Pressure cook for 40 mins then release pressure and open the lid.

Transfer Peanuts and pour some cooking stock and keep these in a casserole to soak overnight. Chill and keep in the fridge overnight for better taste. Can use this Pressure Cook Peanuts dish as an appetiser or as a snack by itself. Very fragrant and tastes good. A good source of protein.
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