Two Healthy Soup

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Boiled these two soup recently to help my body ” heal”. Do read on to find out.

1. Chicken Veggies Soup
2. Protein Rich Nutritious Soup

Chicken Veggies Soup

To heal my body condition I made this rich in Beta Carotene (Carrot), Licopene (Tomato) and Protein Chicken Veggies Soup.

Ingredients for Chicken Veggies Soup

First, I cut 1 big Carrot, 2 big Tomatoes, 1 big Onion, and 1 medium size Honey Sweet Potato into bite size. I also have 8 pips of Garlic & 2 Chicken Drum Sticks.

Cooking Chicken Veggies Soup

Put all ingredients into my electric Glass Cooker, fill in with 2,000ml water, on the switch and boil for 1 hour.

Cooking Chicken Veggies Soup

When timer sets off, add in Himalayan Pink Salt to taste and off the switch

Chicken Veggies Soup
Chicken Veggies Soup

My simple nutritious soup packed with goodies is ready to serve for Samurai and me. This Chicken Veggies Soup is rich in Beta Carotene (found in Carrot), Licopene (found in Tomato), Protein (meat) & Vitamins A (Carrot and Sweet Potatoes). Also, this soup is low in GI. It can be served as a meal by itself as Sweet potatoes can make you feel full yet without having too much Carbo.

Check my other Healthy Recipes from my

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Protein Rich Nutritious Soup

Protein Rich Nutritious Soup
Protein Rich Nutritious Soup

I cooked this high nutrient soup rich in protein to help produce good cells after picking up my health. It works wonders for me.

Ingredients for Protein Rich Nutritious Soup
Ingredients for Protein Rich Nutritious Soup

I have half a Chicken (cut to smaller pieces), 8 pips Garlic, 1 Big Onion (cut to bite size) ,1 big Tomato, 8 slices Ginger & half cup Azuki Red Beans.

Electric Pressure Cooker

Fill all these into my electric Pressure Cooker with 8 cups water. On the switch & set the timer to 40 mins.

Protein Rich Nutritious Soup

When time is up, release pressure and add in some Himalayan Pink Salt to taste.

Protein Rich Nutritious Soup

A good nutritious soup is ready.

Check my other Healthy Recipes from my


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