Another Noodle Dish from my kitchen in Singapore to all reader here. Still at our Singapore’s Circuit Breaker Mode since April 7, I am making use of what I have in my freezer and pantry to cook. Today, I am making Tanmen with Shrimps and Beansprouts.

First, I have MYOJO Brand Prawn flavour Tanmen 汤面 1 1/2 packets, (DO NOT use the sachet of seasoning that comes with it).
Next, I get ready 150g Shrimps, 4 sticks Imitation Crab Sticks, (one cut to two pieces), 2 slices of Bacon (which I cut to thick shreds) and 1/3 roll of the Pink Naruto Japanese Fish Cakes (cut to slices).
For veggies, I will have a few Sweet Beans and also 250g own grown Beansprouts (click for my blog post on Growing Beansprouts Step by Step).
For flavouring, I use LEE KUM KEE Brand Steaming Fish Sauce.

First, in a Nabe (Japanese casserole), I heat up 1 tsp Sunflower Oil and saute Bacon till fragrant.

Then add in 1,000ml hot water and drop in 1 1/2 packet Tanmen to boil with Shrimps and Imitation Crabstick.
When the shrimps are cooked and Noodle nearly done, add in the Pink Naruto Fish Cakes, Beansprouts and Sweet Bean.

Flavour the noodle with 3 TBS Steaming Fish Sauce. When the Sweet Beans are heated through, off heat and ready to serve piping hot. Tanmen with Shrimps and Beansprouts is ready.

This is a very satisfactory meal for the two of us. We Eat Happy Live Healthy. 健康愉食!.
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