Pickled Crunchy Papaya

Pickled Crunchy Papaya
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My Pickled Crunchy Papaya which I made yesterday is now ready to serve. After cutting half of the Orange colour Hong Kong Papaya which I bought from Redmart Online over a week ago to cook a savoury soup (Savoury Papaya White Fungus Mushroom Dried Prawns Soup) for lunch yesterday, I use the remaining half firm papaya to make a bottle of Pickled Papaya.

Half a papaya

Don’t be fooled by the bright orange colour of the Papaya. As it is still too firm to eat as fruit, I use the remaining half to make this pickle.

Thinly sliced papaya

To make this Pickled Crunchy Papaya, just remove skin and seeds from Papaya then cut to thin slices.

Meantime use a microwave to melt 2 TBS Sugar in 1/4 cup water. Next, add in 1/4 cup of boiled cooled down water to cool down the syrup.

Mizkan Kantan Su
*Mizkan Kantan Su

In a jar, mix the cooled down 1/2 cup syrup with 1 1/2 cup *Mizkan Brand Kantan Su (Flavoured Vinegar), add in Papaya and seal in a bottle. Chill in the fridge overnight.

Pickled Crunchy Papaya

The Pickled Crunchy Papaya is ready for you to enjoyed as a healthy snack.


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