A collection of CATherina Hosoi’s facebook posts from 16 Jan 2021 Saturday to 23 Jan 2021, Saturday.
16 Jan 2021 Saturday
Recipe Sharing: Japanese flavoured Mini Chicken Burger

A little Japanese flavour today. Made Chicken Mini Burgers with Crunchy Sweet Peas on Mustard Shoyu Sauce. First I season 250g minced Chicken with 1 tsp Ginger Juice, a little Salt, 1 TBS Cooking Sake and 1/2 TBS Potato Starch.. (read more….)

My Brunch set today. Oven toasted Chinese Pastry Hum Cheen Peng 咸煎饼topped with a slice of Cheddar Cheese sprinkled with Japanese 7 Spice Powder, 1 YAKULT Cultured Milk Drink, 1 glass Black Prune Juice and 1 cup Nescafe Gold with Milk without Sugar. A mix culture set that satisfy my greed.
Online Shopping!!

This is what I do when sitting at home for too long. ONLINE SHOPPING!
18 Jan 2021 Monday
Recipe Sharing: Soy Beans, Dried Longan, Goji Berries Tong Sui

Brewing a yummy nutritious Tong Sui (糖水) Sweet Dessert Soup using Soy Beans, Dried Longan and Goji Berries. (read more…)
If you like my recipe, Please help to share out on your Facebook. Do explore this Blog@CatherinaHosoi.com for more ideas and interesting recipes.
Please subscribe to my BLOG www.CatherinaHosoi.com and get inspired to follow my Healthy Lifestyle and read all the Eat Happy Live Healthy健康愉食(EHLH) recipes that I created. Please also share out to your friends.
19 Jan 2020 Tuesday
Bible Sharing

Galatians 6:9 NIV
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
NIV: New International Version
20 Jan 2021 Wednesday
Catch up with friend

Waiting in my kitchen studio for good friend Ang Bee Leng to catch up over tea snacks.
21 Jan 2021 Thursday
Some sharing

Claim These 7 Promises Over Your Life Today
Yummy Fried Rice

Having my yummy Red Fried Rice at my Home Sweet Home now.
About MSG

Home Brew Soup

For dinner tonight we are enjoying a home brew Traditional Cantonese style Choy Kon 菜干 (preserved Dried Veggie), Pork, Dried Scallops, Honey Date and Ginger Savoury Soup. So yummy my Samurai asked for second helping.
Thank God For His Blessings Always

“Life is full of sweetness if we learn to appreciate what is blessed to us by GOD..” by Catherina Hosoi.
22 Jan 2021 Friday
Specialty Food: Street Tofu

This dish is known as Specialty Food Street Tofu. “Jie Bian” Tofu 街边豆腐。
First deep fry Tofu till golden then braised in Chicken Stock and Crab Meat. Season with Salt and Sugar to taste. Enhance the flavour by adding in Chinese Hua Teow wine. Thicken with Egg White and Potato Starch mixture.
Lastly garnish with golden fried Garlic and Coriander Leaves.
Result: every mouthful is so fragrant. The gravy is so smooth and slurpy. You will love me for sharing this dish.
Check my other recipes on my Blog@CatherinaHosoi.com
Scam call alert?
92235246. Another Scam Call?
23 Jan 2021 Saturday
Happy Blessed Day

Just came back from Ah Fong my Hairdresser to shampoo and set my hair. Happy Blessed Day to all.
Yummy Nutritious Rice Porridge

Craving for a bowl of Yummy Nutritious CHOOK 粥 Rice Porridge. I used the following ingredients to cook it.
I remove skin from 8 pips Garlic, dice 2 medium Carrots, slice 1 thumb sized Ginger, dice 5 big fresh Shiitake Mushrooms, cut to small strips 3 slices of Back Bacon and rinse 1/3 cup of Short Grain Rice.
Put all these in my Vision Cook Pot with 6 cups water and bring to a rapid boil, then lower down the heat and simmer for 45 mins, stirring now and then to prevent sticking to the base.
When ready, add in a few drops of MAGGIE Seasoning Sauce and a dash of Pepper. Ready to serve piping hot with some roughly chopped Chinese Celery and Spring Onion.
This is enough as 2 big servings for 2 pax. A satisfying meal for us.
Check my other recipes from my Blog@CatherinaHosoi.com
Recipes sharing by CATherina Hosoi
To follow CATherina Hosoi’s activities in Singapore and overseas, including recipes which she created, please like her Facebook page: www.facebook.com/CATherinaHosoiFanPage
Know more about CATherina Hosoi’s cooking studio in Singapore by liking: www.facebook.com/CulinaryHobbyClass or visit www.culinary.com.sg
Interested to know more about CATherina Hosoi’s resort activities in Bali? Visit : www.ubudgreen.com