Century Egg Tofu Salad

Century Egg Tofu Salad
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Let me show you how I made my Healthy Breakfast by using Century Egg (皮蛋, Pi Dan in Mandrain) and Tofu.

Century Egg
Century egg (with husk on)
Removing outer husk from Century Egg
Removing the outer husk
Century Egg cut open
Century Egg cut open in halves

Remove the outer husk from Pi Dan (Century Egg), cut to small cubes.

Cut 5 Cherry Tomatoes and 2 Okra to pieces. Remove Silken Tofu from the tub and microwave at 80% for 2 mins then drain away water. Microwave Cherry Tomatoes and Okra for 2 mins.

Century Egg Tofu Salad

In a deep dish arrange Silken Tofu, Cherry Tomatoes and Okra as shown on the photo.

Seasoning for Century Egg Tofu Salad

Dribble 2 TBS Light Soya Sauce and a little Sesame Oil on top. It tastes wonderful and pretty to look at too. Do try out my recipe of Century Egg Tofu Salad in your kitchen. I am from Singapore and happy to share my culture through the food I cook.

I pair my colourful Century Egg Tofu Salad with a healthy drink Turmeric Honey Ginger Drink.

If you like my recipe, Please help to share out on your Facebook. Do explore this Blog@CatherinaHosoi.com for more ideas and interesting recipes.

Please subscribe to my BLOG@catherinahosoi.com and get inspired to follow my Healthy Lifestyle and read all the Eat Happy Live Healthy 健康愉食(EHLH) recipes that I created.


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