A collection of CATherina Hosoi’s facebook posts from 08 March 2021 Monday to 14 Mar 2021 Sunday.
08 Mar 2021 Monday
Happy International Woman’s Day


We enjoy our reheated up Oxtail Stew which I cooked on March 3 and kept in my freezer. The taste is even better today. Feeling so satisfied! Our dessert is sweet Papaya.
09 Mar 2021 Tuesday
A Great Tip

10 Mar 2021 Wednesday

Hawthorn Drink

After lunch made myself a hot drink by steeping Dried Hawthorn Flakes in hot boiling water to remove the fats from the food I had.
Catch up with friend

We spent a great afternoon catching up with our young friend whom we treasure over afternoon tea with Cheesecake at our home today. We enjoyed every minute with 757 Magdelene.

For dinner tonight I made Prawn Wantons, cooked with MYOJO Brand Prawn Tanmen Instant Noodle together with Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms and Romaine Lettuce.
A light and nutritious balanced meal for the 2 of us. Yummy. For dessert we are having Grapes.
13 Mar 2021 Thursday
A Question

Spent some time in the kitchen removing the hard skin from half a pumpkin, cut it to big cubes. Any idea what am I going to do for lunch?
Recipe Sharing: Pumpkin Rice Porridge with homemade Meat Balls

I was asking what I would be cooking Pumpkin today 3 hours back. Just finished eating our lunch. The answer is Pumpkin Rice Porridge with homemade Meat Balls using my secret recipe of GEISHA CAT’s SPECIAL GINGER SAUCE cooked in MIZKAN Brand Yosenabe Tsuyu (Mixed Casserole Broth).
First 1 cut 500g Pumpkin to big cubes. Rinse 3/4 cup Japanese Short Grain Rice…..( read more…..)

Simple dish for dinner. Enjoying my quick Stir Fry Red, Yellow Capsicum with Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms with my secret formula of GEISHA CAT’S SPECIAL GINGER SAUCE and Oyster Sauce.
12 Mar 2021 Friday

Having a quick bite of my breakfast. It is A East Meet West Hum Cheen Peng咸煎饼 Chinese Pastry with aromatic 5 Spice Powder 五香粉 toasted with a slice of Cheese, paired with a cup of Nescafe Gold with Full Cream Milk without Sugar.
Later for lunch today we are taking our good friend out for a Japanese meal for her pre-birthday celebration.
Going out

Going out to meet friend for a Japanese meal. Have not seen this good friend for 1 year. I treasure friendship.
Lunch out with Friend

Catherina and Jasmine taken at the Japanese Association Singapore today.
13 Mar 2021 Saturday
Happy Blessed Saturday

Happy Blessed Saturday to all

Enjoying our comfort Brunch at home. Each has a set of 3 Boiled Smoked Sausages with QP Mayonnaise and Mustard Paste, Kimchi, Cream Corn with Toast and Butter, paired with a cup of Nescafe Gold with Full Cream Milk without Sugar.
Tonight’s early dinner will be with our good friends in a restaurant. For nearly 2 months we have not met up. I treasure friendship.
Hari Raya Neypi

March 14, 2021 is Hari Raya Nyepi in Bali (Silent Day). CATherina and her Samurai wish their family in Ubud Green Resort (www.ubudgreen.com) and all their friends in Bali A Happy Blessed Nyepi Day. Till we meet again when the pandemic is over. Please stay Safe, Healthy and Happy.

Changed the colour of my manicure today. Got to keep my nails short because of my daily kitchen work.
14 Mar 2021 Sunday
Enjoying Sunday

For Fun (1)

Home is where the Heart is

Home is where the HEART is and HEART is created by YOU!
For Fun (2)

Recipes sharing by CATherina Hosoi
To follow CATherina Hosoi’s activities in Singapore and overseas, including recipes which she created, please like her Facebook page: www.facebook.com/CATherinaHosoiFanPage
Know more about CATherina Hosoi’s cooking studio in Singapore by liking: www.facebook.com/CulinaryHobbyClass or visit www.culinary.com.sg
Interested to know more about CATherina Hosoi’s resort activities in Bali? Visit : www.ubudgreen.com