Dried Longan Red Bean Sweet Dessert

Dried Longan Red Bean Sweet Dessert
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Brewing a Sweet Dessert Soup generally known as Tong Sui 糖水 in Cantonese with Red Beans, Dried Longan and Goji Berries

Preparation & Cooking:

Ingredient for Dried Longan Red Bean Sweet Dessert

For this sweet Dessert Soup, I have 1/2cup Azuki Red Beans, 1/2 cup Dried Longan and 1/4 cup Goji Berries.

Boiling Sweet Soup

First I rinse 1/2 cup Azuki Red Beans and 1/2 cup Dried Longan. Than I fill these 2 items in my Electric Glass Boiler with 2,000ml water and boil for 30 mins. After that turn heat to medium and add more water to reach 2,000ml and continue boiling for another 25 mins.

Add in Goji Berries

At this point rinse 1/4 cup Goji Berries and add in to boil.

I.Lite Cook&Bake Stevia

At the same time, add in Sugar Replacement Stevia to taste.

When stevia dissolves, off heat ready to serve this Azuki Red Bean, Dried Longan, Goji Berry Tong Sui. Yummy and nutritious.

Dried longan is beneficial to strengthen the heart and improve quality of sleep for people with insomnia. For people with Qi deficiency or blood deficiency, Longan can be used to generate the Qi and improve the blood circulation to ameliorate the symptoms of pale skin, dizziness, headache, palpitation and weak pulse.

The dried Longan also have fiber.  Fiber helps bulk stools and normalize bowel movements. It also improves overall bowel health. It may also lower cholesterol, improve gut flora, and help control blood sugar in people with diabetes.

Azuki beans are rich in nutrients, such as fiber, protein and manganese. They are linked to several health benefits, including weight loss, improved digestion and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

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