With the speedy grow of the CoronaVirus cases, this surely affects everyone’s mood. The supermarkets are full of people sweeping out essentials from the shelves. To cheer myself up, I created a Carrot Pork Balls in Mizkan Tonkotsu Nabe Tsuyu.
Its a Carrot studded Pork Balls using the minced Pork I have in the freezer & Carrot from my fridge. I also harvested the Spring Onions I grow in my back yard and opened a packet of 750 ml *Mizkan brand Tonkotsu Nabe Tsuyu (Pork bone & soy sauce hotpot soup base) for cooking.
I have 500g minced Pork, which I season with 3/4 tsp Himalayan Salt, 1 tsp Sugar, a few dashes Pepper, 1 TBS Mirin (sweetened Rice Wine) & 2 TBS Cornstarch. I make the seasoned minced Pork into Meat Balls.
After that, I cut 1 Carrot into slices. I use some of the carrot slices and cut to small triangular shaped carrot which I stud onto the Meat Balls.
Pour 300ml *Mizkan brand Tonkotsu Nabe Tsuyu (Pork bone & soy sauce hotpot soup base) into a pot, dilute with 500ml water and boil Carrot slices and Pork Balls to a rapid boil.
Turn heat to medium and continue boiling with lid covered for 5 minutes till the Meat Balls are cooked.
Drop in the cut Spring Onions to heat through. Off heat and serve piping hot. This portion of Carrot Pork Balls in Mizkan Tonkotsu Nabe Tsuyu serves as our dinner for two. Feeling blessed to have yummy nutritious food on our table. Thank you GOD.
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