I was asking what I would be cooking with Pumpkin today 3 hours back. Just finished eating our lunch. The answer is Pumpkin Rice Porridge with homemade Meat Balls using my secret recipe of GEISHA CAT’s SPECIAL GINGER SAUCE cooked in *MIZKAN Brand Yosenabe Tsuyu (Mixed Casserole Broth).
Preparation & Cooking:

First 1 cut 500g Pumpkin to big cubes.

Next, rinse 3/4 cup Japanese Short Grain Rice and get ready 1 packet (750ml) *Mizkan Brand Yosenabe Tsuyu.

Than, fill my electric Slow Cooker with Pumpkin, Rice and 1 packet *Mizkan Yosenabe Tsuyu together with 750ml water. Turn on the switch to cook Porridge for 1 1/2 hours.

Meanwhile, make Meat Balls by mixing 250g minced meat (you can use Pork, Chicken or Beef) mixed with 3 TBS of my secret formula Ginger Sauce, 1 tsp Sugar and 3 TBS Cornstarch.

Form into meat balls and drop into the Pumpkin Rice Porridge to continue boiling for another 30 mins to cook.

Off the heat when it reaches 2 hours for total cooking time.

Ready to serve to my loved ones. I serve my Pumpkin Rice Porridge with homemade Meat Balls garnished with roughly chopped Spring Onion. This pot of goodness is enough for 4 pax as a nutritious balanced meal.

Check my other recipes in my Blog@CatherinaHosoi.com
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