Few days ago, I cooked a meatless Japanese Curry rice dish for my loved ones for lunch using HOUSE Brand Kiwadachi Kare which I bought from Meidiya supermarket some time back.
First I cooked some non rinse Koshihigari Rice from Niigata prefecture from Japan.

Next I cut One slab of Taukwa (firm tofu) 豆干 to dices.

Cut One Big Brinjal to bite size. Cut 2 Red Chillie to strip.

I also have a packet of House Brand Kiwadachi Curry. One packet is for 4 servings.

First, Pan fried diced Taukwa in 2 TBS Oil till golden, dish them out for later use.

In the same fry pan using remaining Oil, saute cut Brinjal. Then threw in 200ml water, cover with lid to boil till Brinjal is 70% cooked.

Add in 1 packet of HOUSE Brand Kiwadachi Kare. Combine in the golden Taukwa and 2 cut Red Chillies.

Add with 750ml water and simmer cooked till gravy gets thicker and Brinjal are thoroughly cooked.

Ready to serve with the Koshihigari Rice garnished with Red Pickled Ginger (Beni Shoga) as I had run out of Fukujin Tsuke. (Japanese Curry is usually served with Fukujin Tsuke 福神渍, a Japanese redish made from pickled Daikon, cucumber or lotus roots)。
This Meatless Japanese Curry Rice is Super oishii……
If you like Japanese Curry, check out another of my Recipe: Japanese Curry with Pumpkin and Celery
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Sounds tasty