A collection of Tanmen recipes (soup) version. Read on to find out how I can make variations to turn Instant noodle (Myojo Shrimp Tanmen) into a nutritious, healthy balanced meal.
1. Tanmen with Luncheon Meat
2. Tanmen with Shrimp Wanton
3. Tanmen with Soya puff
4. Tanmen with Pork Leg and mushroom
Tanmen with Luncheon Meat

08 Jan 2020
My very late lunch today at home. Made an Instant Noodle dish: Tanmen with Luncheon Meat, using half a packet of Myojo brand Prawn taste Tanmen 虾味汤面.

First, cook Tanmen in 300ml water, add 3 slices of Golden Bridge brand Luncheon Meat, a handful of Bean Sprouts and half a packet of Shimeji Mushrooms.
To flavour, I used 2 TBS of Soba Tsuyu, and a little Shiso Wakame Sprinkles. (I did not use the seasoning packet that comes with the instant noodle).

I garnished with Coriander Leaves and sprinkled Yuzu 7 Spice Chillie on top before eating. A flavourful and guilt free lunch. Paired with Teekane brand Turkish Apple Tea without Sugar.
Tanmen with Shrimp Wanton

17 Jan 2020
Was waiting for our Indonesian friend who was at the Singapore General Hospital. He was supposed to meet us for lunch together but he just called to change it till tomorrow. Both Samurai and his Geisha CAT are very hungry at this hour, 245pm now.

So quickly I went to my cozy kitchen to cook this Tanmen with Shrimp Wanton with Spinach, Prawn Wantons with 1/2 packet Myojo brand Prawn Tanmen and Goji Berries.

I used 4 small bundles of Spinach, I box 12 pcs of CP Brand Prawn Wantons and 2 TBS of Goji Berries to cook the Tanmen. A delicious light meal. My Samurai’s bowl has noodle, mine without. A quick and simple late lunch for us.
Tanmen with Soya puff

22 Feb 2020
My Samurai walked in to my “Wonderland” i.e. my kitchen where I create recipes. He told me to cook for him xxx, xxx. I told him he cannot request as I have limited stock due to this present crisis of Corona Virus, we do not hoard food like others. I told him I would do him “omakase” (leave it to the Chef).

Here it is, his lunch cooked with Myojo brand Prawn Tanmen, 8 pieces Ajitsuke Oinarisan (flavoured Japanese Soy Puffs), Okra and a few Cherry Tomatoes. With my love for him I make sure he eats a nutrition balanced meal.
Tanmen with Pork Leg and mushroom

25 Feb 2020
My Samurai has been craving for Instant Noodle since yesterday. With just 10 minutes I use Instant Noodles to make dinner, Tanmen with Pork Leg and mushroom for the two of us.

Ingredients: Half of a medium Napa Cabbage cut to short length, 1 can of Narssicus brand Pork Leg with Mushrooms and Chestnuts, 3 Imitation Crab Sticks, 2 TBS Goji Berries and Myojo brand Prawn flavour Instant Noodle.

Boil Napa Cabbage in 4 cups water till soft. Add in 1 can of Pork Leg with Mushrooms and Chestnuts, and 1 1/2 packets of Myojo brand Instant Noodle.

Instead of using the attached seasoning sachet, I add in 1 tsp Japanese Hondashi granule (made with Sea Kelp n Bonito Fish), throw in Imitation Crab Sticks and bring to a quick boil till noodle is just cooked.

Lastly, add in Goji Berries and Himalayan Pink Salt to taste. Off heat.. Tada, so easy as that and this portions serves the two of us. My Samurai feels so satisfied eating his Tanmen now. For me I am more happy because I only spent 10 minutes to cook dinner.
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Know more about CATherina Hosoi’s cooking studio in Singapore by liking: www.facebook.com/CulinaryHobbyClass or visit www.culinary.com.sg
Interested to know more about CATherina Hosoi’s resort activities in Bali? Visit : www.ubudgreen.com