In this post, I am sharing with everyone three ideas for Yummy Savoury Oatmeal Recipes.
1. Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 5 -enhance with Fish Tofu Soup
2. Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 6 -with Enoki mushrooms and Baby Spinach
3. Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 7 -with Egg and Salmon Flakes
Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 5

A quick and easy way to cook “Oatmeal porridge” by adding Ready bought Fish Tofu Soup.
First, I added value to the Fish soup by adding some water, dropped in some Tomato, Bittergourd to cook with 4 TBS of grounded / processed Quaker Oats with Black Rice and Mountain Yam, to make a light porridge. (I usually processed my oatmeal finely and kept in a bottle ready to cook anytime)
Than I flavoured with 1 tsp of Steaming Fish Sauce, a littlle Himalayan Salt and some Pepper. Garnished with Corriander Leaves. A nutritious simple meal is ready.
This is my way of preparing EHLH (Eat Happy Live Healthy) meal. Hope you enjoy these tips.
Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 6

Good morning, I only spent 5 minutes to cook this nutritious healthy breakfast. Would you just spend 5 mins to begin your day with a good healthy breakfast or just grab anything on your way to work??
First, I use the remaining stock which I saved from blanching of Carrot and Broccoli to put in a claypot. Add in cut Enoki Mushrooms, stems of Baby Spinach and some finely processed QUAKER Instant Oatmeal which comes with Mountain Yam and Black Rice to boil. Lastly, add in some Goji Berries and Leaves of Baby Spinach to cook together till done.
For flavouring, a bit of Himalayan Pink Salt and Shiso Wakame Sprinkles. Oishii. I am glad I know how to cook.
#TakeResponsibilityOfOwnHealth #StartYourDayWithNutritiousHealthyBreakfast
Yummy Savoury Oatmeal 7

a glass of self made Red Grapes Kombucha and a cup of Nescafe Gao Sie Dai

Today Breakfast will be Savoury Oatmeal with Egg and Salmon Flakes.
First, I poached an egg. Next, I cooked 3 TBS finely processed Quaker Oats which comes with Mountain Yam & Black Rice.
When oatmeal is done, I put in the poached egg, sprinkled with Salmon Flakes (which is sold in glass bottle) and some Corriander Leaves to garnish.
I had a glass of self made Red Grapes Kombucha and a cup of Nescafe Gao Siew Dai to complete my Breakfast set. Its important to start my day with a nutritious healthy breakfast.
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