Sharing with readers here how I am make a Chinese Leek Cuttlefish for dinner cooked at my Singapore Home Sweet Home. Bought very fresh Chinese Leek as it is abundantly available near Chinese New Year and this is seasonal.

First, I cut 2 cuttlefish (about 7 inch long) to rings, marinate with a little Himalayan Pink Salt and a little Sugar.
Than, I cut 4 stalks of Chinese Leek, divided stem part from the green leaves. Next, cut 2 big fresh Shiitake mushrooms to strips.

For seasoning, I have Indonesian made *Mercon brand Sambel Teri Merah (Sambal made with anchovies and shallots), some Chinese Light Soya Sauce and a little Sugar.
First, heat up 2 TBS Oil, first saute the Chinese Leek stems till soft.
Than, add in Cuttlefish rings and 1 tsp of the Indonesian made Mercon brand Sambel Teri Merah.
When cuttlefish is half cooked, added in remaining Leaves part of the Chinese Leek and the Shiitake mushrooms.
Toss well and add in some Chinese Light Soya Sauce to taste and a little more Sugar.

When Cuttlefish is cooked thoroughly and veggies are cooked too, switch off heat. Serve Hot with rice. This recipe serves two.
I serve my Chinese Leek with Cuttlefish together with the remaining Mutton Nasi Biryani which I packed home last night. Don’t waste food
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