Ever thought of using the cooked White Pearl Barley Grains to make a healthy Rich-in-Fibres “Fried Rice”? Do pick up my ideas by following the Step By Steps photos in making Barley Grain “Fried Rice”.

First, I save the Barley Grains from boiling Barley Water. (Check out Healthy Drink recipes using Barley Grains). After boiling Barley drink, strain the drink and save the Barley Grain. You can keep them in freezer and thaw in advance before using.
For this recipe, I am using 1 TBS Butter, 3/4 cup cooked of Barley Grains, 3 Long Beans (some called it Yard Beans) cut to short length, 2 Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms cut to smaller pieces, 1 Egg, 1 Red Chillie (deseeded and cut to shred), 2 tsp Maggie Seasoning Sauce and a little Himalayan Pink Salt can be added for the salty taste.

First, melt butter in a pan and add in the cut long beans. Saute beans till soften.

Add in Barley Grain to mix well.

Add in one egg and Shiitake Mushrooms. Stir fry till egg is done and mushrooms have soften. Lastly add in 2 tsp Maggie Seasoning Sauce and a little Himalayan Pink Salt to taste.

Granish with Red Chillie shreds. Dish out on a nice plate

I paired my Barley Grain “Fried Rice” with a cup of Nescafe Gold Dark Latte.
If you like my recipe, Please help to share out on your Facebook. Do explore this Blog@CatherinaHosoi.com for more ideas and interesting recipes.
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