Recipe Sharing Time. My very adventurous moment to create this Special Banana Pancakes with my Red Wine Lee 红糟 and Red Glutinous Rice Wine红糟酒 that I made.

For the ingredients, I have 1 Rounded TBS of Red Wine Lee, 1 Egg, 1 Banana (mashed up), 4 TBS Red Glutinous Wine, 1/2 cup chopped Spring Onion and 4 TBS Plain Flour.
For garnishing, I have some Mint Leaves. Also, I will have some Honey and Butter.

Mix Red Wine Lee, Egg, Mashed Banana, Red Glutinous Wine, chopped Spring Onion and Plain Flour together to become Pancake batter.

Scope batter into a fry pan with some butter and Pan fry in a pan with some butter till both sides are browned and cooked.

Dish them up, drizzle some Honey over and garnished with Mint Leaves. Every bite gives you different layers of satisfying taste. You can serve this as Confinement Food for new mothers or snacks or as a Breakfast menu.
Cheers to EHLH Eat Happy Live Healthy, a concept which I developed.
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