Recipe Sharing Time. My Lips Burning Spicy Chillie Hot Chicken Back with Onion, Red Chillie, Brinjal and Fresh Shiitake.
I use one Chicken Back (with bones and chicken meat) from 1 chicken & 2 pcs of Chicken Feet. Chop Chicken Back to pieces. For the Chicken Breast, I used it to make another dish for my Samurai, a Non Spicy Chicken Breast.
Cut half Onion to shreds. Cut half Brinjal to dices, cut 2 Fresh Shiitake to 4 pcs. Use a scissors to remove seeds from 1 Red Cillie and cut to shreds.
For Seasonings, I have INDRA FOOD brand Sambal Bawang Special (which I bought from Medan, Indonesia), 2 TBS AAA Brand Steaming Fish Sauce, 400 ml Meiji Milk and 1 tsp Sugar.

In a non stick wok heat up 1 TBS Oil. Saute Onion till soft. Add in Red Chillie, Chicken Back and Chicken Feet.

Now add in 2 TBS heapful of the super hot INDRA FOOD brand Sambal Bawang Special which I bought from Medan, Indonesia. Toss well and add in 400ml water, cover with lid and boil over medium heat till water almost dries up.

Open lid and add in Brinjal and Shiitake Mushrooms to toss together. Add in 2 TBS AAA Brand Steaming Fish Sauce, 400 ml Meiji Milk and 1 tsp Sugar. Cover with lid and simmer cook till gravy reduced and Chicken Feet become soft. Off heat and serve with rice. Very shiok. Remember to get ready ice water!

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