Sharing with you the Japanese Lunch Set which I cooked specially on Father’s Day for my beloved Samurai from my Singapore kitchen.
First, I have 2 Nama Sanma fish (Pacific Saury), clean away the gills and innard and cut to twos. After the fish is cleaned, season with some Pepper and marinate with 2 TBS Cooking Sake (Rice Wine) for 10 mins
I also have 1 thumb sized Ginger cut to shred or slices, 1 box of Tofu cut to 6 squares, 1 Red Chillie cut to two and a few stalks of Spring Onions, which i divide the green and the white part and cut to shorter length.
For seasoning, I have 1 cup Cooking Sake (Rice Wine), 1/4 cup Kikkoman Soy Sauce, 2 TBS Sugar and 2 tsp Sunflower Oil (for frying fish).

In a non stick fry pan heat up Sunflower oil, drop in Ginger and white part of Spring Onion to saute till fragrant.

Then add in Sanma Fish to pan fry both sides.

Add in 1 cup Cooking Sake and half cup water.

Drop in the Tofu with Red Chillies, add in Kikkoman Soy Sauce and Sugar.
Bring to a quick boil, lower heat and continue simmering till sauce thickens.

Serve Sanma on a Fish Plate and sprinkle some Green Spring Onion to garnish with Red Chillie.

Serve Tofu in a small dish with Spring Onion and Red Chillie to garnish.

Serve with Japanese Short Grain Rice sprinkle with a little Black Sesame Salt. This recipe serves two persons.

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