Using my Electric Pressure Cooker to cook my favourite Pork Knuckle, Garlic, Black Mushroom, Potato and Red Dates Stew and serve it with Mee Suah (thin Longevity Wheat Flour Noodle).
I have 1 Kg chopped Pork Knuckle, which I seasoned with 1 TBS Salt, 1 tsp Sugar, a few dashes of Pepper and 3 TBS Hua Teow Wine 花雕酒,
I also have 3 whole big cloves of Garlic which I removed all skin and counted all together there are 30 pips of Garlic.
Next, I soften 8 dried mushrooms and remove them stems, 12 Big sized Red Dates, 5 big Potatoes (remove skin, cut each to twos) and 2 Red Chillies each cut to twos.
First, I turn on the power of the Electric Pressure Cooker, without putting in any oil, I fill it with all the ingredients, 2 cups hot boiling water and add in 1 TBS Dark Caramelised Soya Sauce to get the dark Colour. Close the lid properly and set 35 minutes for pressure cooking.
When time is up I add in a little Himalayan Pink Salt to taste.
Then I boil 2 bundles of Mee Suah for 2 mins and dish out.
Use the same water to blanch some Green Veggies.
I arrange Mee Suah on a plate, dribble a little Sesame Oil and toss. Scoop up a few pieces cooked Pork Knuckles, Black Mushrooms, Red Dates, Potatoes with gravy, arrange Green Veggies at the side and serve to my Samurai. I am happy to see him enjoying. I am keeping the remainder in my freezer to serve on my busy day.
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