A collection of CATherina Hosoi’s facebook posts from 01 Dec 2020 Tuesday to 06 Dec 2020, Sunday.
01 Dec 2020 Tuesday

Using 1 Bittergourd (Bitter Melon, Nigauri in Japanese), 6 slices Luncheon Meat and 4 Eggs to make a simple and delicious Omelette for the two of us as filling to our sandwiches as lunch.
Simple and comfort food to us.
Click for another of my creation using Bittergourd: Wine Lees Bitter gourd with Cuttlefish
Going out

Wearing my new face mask which my Hair Stylist Ah Fong blessed me on my Birthday 1129. Going to Kinokuniya Japanese Book Store at Takashimaya Shopping Centre to pick up my books and magazines which I ordered.
03 Dec 2020 Thursday
Feeling Blessed

Waiting in my cosy kitchen for the arrival of Chan Chin Wei, my beloved Assistant who is coming with her home made Goodies to celebrate my 1129 Birthday. Every year without fail she blesses me with her home made gift. Feel so blessed. She started as my ex participant during her Uni days.

My EHLH Eat Happy Live Healthy lunch for me and my loved ones today. Grilled Asparagus Pork Rolls with Sesame Seeds, Short Grain Rice with Wakame Sprinkles and Asparagus Soup.
Birthday Celebration

Cutting another 1129 Birthday Cake made by my assistant Chan Chin Wei this morning. Every Year she will make me something from her heart. She started as my ex participant during her UNI days. Now she is a mother to her 2 growing teenagers. Feel her love for me. I am so blessed.
Bible Sharing

04 Dec 2020 Friday
A milestone

Hooray. My Blog has reached 5,000 viewership. If you have not subscribe, please do so now. www.CatherinaHosoi.com
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Please subscribe to my BLOGby entering your email above. Get inspired to follow my Healthy Lifestyle and read all the Eat Happy Live Healthy健康愉食(EHLH) recipes that I created.
06 Dec 2020 Sunday
Good morning, I only spent 5 minutes to cook this nutritious healthy breakfast. Would you just spend 5 mins to begin your day with a good healthy breakfast or just grab anything on your way to work??
I use the remaining stock which I used for blanching of Carrot and Broccoli. Add in cut Enoki Mushrooms and QUAKER Oats which comes with Mountain Yam and Black Rice, add in some Goji Berries and Baby Spinach to cook together. For flavouring a bit of Himalayan Pink Salt and Shiso Wakame Sprinkles. Oishii. I am glad I know how to cook.
#TakeResponsibilityOfOwnHealth #StartYourDayWithNutritiousHealthyBreakfast
Recipes sharing by CATherina Hosoi
To follow CATherina Hosoi’s activities in Singapore and overseas, including recipes which she created, please like her Facebook page: www.facebook.com/CATherinaHosoiFanPage
Know more about CATherina Hosoi’s cooking studio in Singapore by liking: www.facebook.com/CulinaryHobbyClass or visit www.culinary.com.sg
Interested to know more about CATherina Hosoi’s resort activities in Bali? Visit : www.ubudgreen.com