There is a trick to retain the beautiful purple colour of the Eggplants when you cook. Today I am going to teach you the trick in this simple dish of Egg Plant Side Dish.

I have 3 Pearl Egg plants. First I cut each to twos longish way. Then I cut the Egg plants to shorter length. I then score the white part with knife and soak them in a bowl of Water added with 1 tsp Salt for 10 mins. Before cooking, I rinse them and wipe dry with a tea towel.
Then I heat up 2 cups of Sunflower Oil and drop the Eggplants in with the purple side in the hot oil first, after 2 mins, turn over and deep fry the white part till cooked. As I had scored it with knife earlier, this helps to cook the Egg plants faster.

When done, dish them out and absorb excess oil with kitchen paper. Then arrange nicely in a dish, sprinkle with *Mizkan brand Ponzu Sauce or YuzuPon which tastes sour and sprinkle a small packet of Dried Bonito Fish Flakes over and ready to serve. The deep frying in hot oil retains the beautiful purple colour.

Read the 7 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Eggplant:
1) Helps with digestion
2) Improves Heart Health
3) Prevent Cancer
4) Improves Bone Health
5) Prevents Anemia
6) Increase Brain Function
7) A great source of Vitamins & Minerals.
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