I am sharing on how I cook two different type of Sweet Soup Dessert
1. White Fungus Banana Sweet Dessert
2. Tomato, White Fungus & Red Dates Sweet Soup
White Fungus Banana Sweet Dessert

Recipe Sharing Time. This is how I cooked my special White Fungus Banana Sweet Dessert Soup 糖水 with White Fungus, Banana and Konbu (Sea Kelp).

(Not in picture: Banana and rock sugar)
I first soaked 1 Dried White Fungus in tap water till it expand. Cut off the bottom hard part and divide to smaller florets. Than, I snipped open 10 Red Dates and removed the seeds. I also have a handful of Dried Longan, 1 Honey Date and a piece of 4 Inches length of Dried Japanese Konbu (Sea Kelp) which I break into smaller pieces. Also, I have two Philippines Bananas cut to thick rounds and some rock sugar to taste.

In a casserole I fill with 10 cups Water, bring it to a rapid boil then I add Dried Longan, Sea Kelp, Red Dates, Honey Date and White Fungus to boil for 15 minutes then lower fire.

Add in 2 Philippines Bananas which I cut to thick rounds and Rock Sugar to taste.
After 5 minutes, off heat ready to serve piping hot. Very nice smell of Banana fragrance.

A heart warming White Fungus Banana Sweet Dessert Soup is ready to serve.
#CookSweetDessertSoup糖水 #DriedWhiteFungusRedDatesHoneyDateDriedLonganKonbuBanana
Tomato, White Fungus & Red Dates Sweet Soup

Recipe Sharing Time. I created this Tomato, White Fungus & Red Dates Sweet Soup as dessert for my loved ones recently. 番茄白木耳红枣露。

I cut 6 small Tomatoes to smaller pieces, soak 1 White Fungus with tap water till it expands then use scissors to snip away the hard stems.

Together with 2 cups water I blend the Tomatoes and White Fungus.

Then pour blended mixture into a pot. Add 4 cups water and bring to a rapid boiling, stirring always. Simmer cook for another 5 minutes and add in 8 TBS Korean Honey Jujube Tea (in jam form) to dissolve in the mixture. (Jujube fruits are also known as red dates)

Off fire and ready to serve piping hot. You can also leave it to chill in a chiller and serve cold. It tastes so good.
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