Recipe sharing time. I cooked One Person Barley Grain Casserole as my Alone Dinner tonight.

Ingredients for Barley Grain Casserole: 3 slices Ginger, 3 pips Whole Garlic, 3 Big prawns (remove and keep Heads and Shells), one rice bowl of Cooked Barley Grains, 80gm Minced Pork diluted in 100ml Water added with 1/2 tsp Hondashi Granules, a box of Shimeiji Mushrooms and 1 TBS Goji Berries.

In a small casserole I saute 3 slices Ginger and 3 pips whole Garlic in 1 TBS Oil.

Than, add in Prawns Heads and shells from 3 big Prawns to saute till colour changes.

Add in 500ml water to boil for 8 mins.

Discard Prawn Heads and Shells.

Add in the cooked Barley Grains (1 rice bowl) which I saved from boiling Barley water few days ago to boil in the Prawn broth.

Add in 80g minced Pork diluted in 100ml water added with 1/2 tsp Hondashi Granules. Add in 3 Prawns marinated with a bit of Himalayan Pink Salt, a box of Shimeji Mushrooms and 1 TBS Goji Berries.

When Prawns changed colour adjust Salt level. Off heat, ready to serve piping hot. A nutritionally well balanced one pot cooking is ready.

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#CookedOnePersonCasserole #BarleyPorridgeMincedMeatPrawnsShimejiMushroomsGojiBerries
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